The Unifying Format for
Cloud Billing Data

An open-source specification that normalizes cost and usage datasets across cloud vendors and reduces complexity for FinOps Practitioners.

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Contributing Members

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"FOCUS™ is a BIG DEAL. FOCUS will remove the complexity and overhead involved when trying to normalize various billing taxonomies making it immensely beneficial across all companies and across all industries."

Tracy Woo

Principal Analyst

“We are committed to working with the FinOps Foundation to bring together the knowledge and involvement of all major players in cloud billing to benefit all."

Fred Delombaerde

Corporate Vice President, Commerce Platform & Marketplace

"The basics of good decision-making and execution require clarity of information. FOCUS™ goes a long way to making that possible and we look forward to even greater innovation in the years ahead."

Anne Johnston

VP of Engineering Cloud Costs

"We want our customers to easily understand their cloud costs so that they spend more time innovating and creating business value — and we believe with FOCUS™ we are taking steps towards this reality."

Pravir Gupta

Vice President of Google Cloud

“We’re thrilled to see FOCUS™ gathering momentum. Having a vendor-neutral view of all cloud resources will enable us to better engage with cloud partners and better serve our customers and shareholders.”

Tim O'Brien

Senior Director of Engineering

"We are seeing value in using FOCUS™ to create a single source of truth for cloud billing and usage to gain insights faster and make more informed decisions with data. We look forward to more organizations adopting the Specification.”

Clément Leroux

Cloud FinOps Engineer at GitLab

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